Thursday, November 12, 2009

craft show this weekend!

I'm so excited about my craft fair this weekend. This is the second show I am participating in. Every month, this show is held on the second Saturday of the month at the same venue. The Empty Bottle is such a neat place to hold a craft fair. It's a bar and also a music venue, so you get that music/hipster crowd. I love it! I'm not participating next month, but I have signed up for January through April. I hope I continue to grow my fanbase there. If you are in the Chicago area, come say hi. (And meet my mom! She's coming with me this time!)

Yesterday, I found out about a different show I'll be doing in December. I'll post more details about that as the date gets closer.

Also, I'll be closing my etsy shop tonight in preparation for the show. Hopefully I'll be opened back up on Saturday night!

Friday, November 6, 2009

new wallets!

I'm so excited about this new wallet style! This is my second attempt and I'm pretty happy with it. This particular wallet I made for myself, so I figured it would be good practice. I originally thought I would be using these heavy duty snaps, but I'm worried they will tear the fabric eventually. Especially if I'm just using a cotton on the outside. I thought about velcro, but decided magnetic snaps would work best! I won't get my order of snaps for a couple of weeks, so look for these wallets in my shop in the next few weeks. These things hold EVERYTHING! So cool! You can check out my flickr to see the larger pictures!